The Digiterati

Our Facebook Group is closing to new members


As we hit the 1,500 member mark we have taken the decision to shortly close the doors of our Facebook Group to new members who are not also members of our premium digital marketing learning service, Digiterati Academy.

Don’t worry if you’re already in the Group and not an Academy member: you’ll retain your free membership forever and are unaffected by the change.

But why restrict the membership of a thriving Facebook Group?

It’s simply that we want to keep the Group a GREAT place for digital and social media marketers, entrepreneurs and small businesses who really value the content there. And that means restricting membership to preserve quality of content, comment and discussion. Too many Groups become so huge that they lose their value and purpose. 

It also means that we can provide Group membership as a benefit to new Digiterati Academy members. We already have loads of lovely Academy members in the Group, so this isn’t something new. 

People get huge value from the Group and we love running it. But it does take us a LOT of time each week to vet new members and ensure people don’t abuse the rules. This change will mean we can keep a sharp focus on quality rather than quantity, a benefit to everyone on the group.

The more we watch other Facebook Groups get bigger and bigger, the more we see quality drop, spam abound and ultimately members simply stop engaging and turn off notifications. We would hate for ours to become like one of those Groups!

‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ being a Team Digiterati Superhero

So really this post is just to say it’s “business as usual” for everyone in the Group. No need for any action or change in behaviour. In fact, please don’t change anything! You’re a wonderful, supportive and generous group which we value so much. Group members all feel the same way. So continue to contribute to the conversation, ask questions and get advice just as before. Nothing about the core values of the group has changed. YOU are the superheroes and YOU are what makes the Group so useful.

Is it too late to invite my friends and colleagues?

If you have a friend or colleague that you think would enjoy and benefit from the Group you have a couple of weeks left to invite them. Please just email them this link:

And ask them to answer the new-member questions.

If you have their consent to add them go ahead and use the box in the right hand navigation (see image below) but please don’t add people for the sake of it; check with them first.





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