The Digiterati

Facebook Marketing Masterclass: University of Portsmouth Business School 15 June

Facebook Marketing TrainingFacebook Marketing Training Responsible for Facebook marketing?
Work in a micro business, SME, not-for-profit or even a large brand?
Want to supercharge your effectiveness on Facebook?

All the very latest tricks, tips and techniques to radically improve your Facebook marketing with The Digiterati’s Marie Page.

  • Discover why your reach is so poor and what you can do about it: mastering the Facebook algorithm
  • Learn how to use photos & video for maximum results even with zero budget
  • Facebook Insights: a live tour
  • Advertising 101 – even if all you do is the occasional boost we’ll improve your results with our tricks and tips
  • Masses of content ideas for better reach, engagement and ROI

Portsmouth Business School: 15 June 2016.

Book now – our last training event in Portsmouth sold out!

Book now

Find out more

There’s a detailed description of what we are including in the day over at University of Portsmouth where you can also book your tickets.

Early bird discount saving £100 ends on 20 May.


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