Digiterati INSIDERS: for marketers wanting the INSIDE track.

Digiterati Inside Track Facebook Group
Digiterati INSIDE Track Facebook Group Our Facebook Group (Digiterati INSIDE Track) is one of the most valuable things we bring to the digital marketing community. It's a vibrant place full of insight, advice and support; full of marketing specialists, entrepreneurs, business owners, consultants and freelancers. It's the most incredible support network and we have a lot of people who would like to have access that to date we've closed our doors to. The Group is a great place to ask...

Can Facebook Pages join Facebook Groups?.

I wrote an article earlier this year about how to post as a Facebook Page in your Facebook Group and have been inundated with questions since from people confused as to how you join a Facebook Group as a Page. https://thedigiterati.com/link-facebook-group-to-page/ Now what people have failed to figure out is that the functionality I was explaining was (and remains for most) only possible when you admin both the Page and the Group. It's not been helped by rumours that Facebook has opened...

How to create a Facebook Instant Experience Ad (previously known as Canvas Ads).

Creating an Instant Experience (Canvas) ad
I love that despite the proliferation of Facebook and Facebook ads in our lives there are still little Cinderella techniques that fall below the radar for most Pages and Advertisers but are pure gold for those admins who can be bothered to do the work. Innovative techniques tend to do well to bypass ad blindness and the incessant thumb scroll. You also find that new or unusual techniques are favoured by the Facebook News Feed and Ad algorithms. Canvas (or as they are now known 'Instant Exp...

Harnessing the Power of Facebook Groups Part 2.

BrightonSEO Facebook Groups Bonus Content
The bit of the talk that didn't make the cut for BrightonSEO Most BrightonSEO talks are just 20 minutes long. It's tough cramming everything into a topic in that time. So inevitably I ended up culling a lot of my slide deck. This video and blog post covers the bits that got edited out. Still super useful for anyone about to launch or thinking about launching a Facebook Group. If you missed Part One you can find it here. Blog post variant of a transcript for the Part 2 video below: Group ...