Facebook's algorithm that decides what to show you in News Feed comprises at least 100,000 factors.
It's become pretty standard knowledge amongst Facebook pros that some words and phrases are almost guaranteed to throttle the reach of what may well have been an innocent sounding post.
Facebook are ever on the alert for Pages that try to "game" the algorithm by artificially inflating likes, comments and shares (because interaction like that sends an instant quality signal to Facebook which...
Facebook Groups
I want to learn about
[Insights Metrics] Finding the reach of your Facebook Group.
Finally. Insights for Facebook Groups is here. We have a Digiterati Academy Masterclass on it available now but for this post I've been playing around with trying to find the all important Reach metric from the (somewhat limited) stats available.
There are just two indicators of reach available currently. The first is "Active Members". You'll find this in the More Engagement Details section. Here's the Team Digiterati data for the last month:
We have 739 Active Members of a ...
How to post as a Facebook Page in your Group PLUS how to link a Facebook Group to a Page.
We were super excited to find a host of new Facebook Page and Group functionality today.
We've given it the full Digiterati test and created a couple of helpful videos to walk you through how it all works.
How to link a Facebook Group to a Page
Many of us Page Admins run Groups that are massively more engaged and exciting than their (associated) Pages but until now it's not been possible (other than with a Pinned Post) to communicate that association to fans and visitors.
You can...
Facebook Group Member Request Settings: Facebook beta testing feature for admins to vet prospective members by asking questions.
Member Request Settings for Facebook Groups
We stumbled over a great new feature for Groups recently that anyone who administers a large Group will be delighted to see.
Most Groups tend to be Closed meaning that prospective members have to apply to join. For large Groups that attract multiple applications a day sorting and vetting these applications can be an onerous task?
Why not just let everyone join your Facebook Group?
Because a good number of those people attracted to your Group are ...
Facebook Groups for business: your new secret weapon.
Facebook Groups win for reach and a whole lot more
Some studies put the organic reach of your average Facebook post at just 2% of fans. That's pretty poor return on the hours of investment you've put into creating content. You can see a graphic representation of just how that translates below. Of all your fans only tiny proportion will see your content unless you pay to promote it.
People are also increasingly reticent to like and comment on posts in a public Page (Facebook are cal...
Facebook is dead. Long live Facebook..
How and why a Facebook Group might be the answer to your reach problem
I've lost count of the number of times Carlton and I have said to people over the last year that if you're not paying for reach on Facebook you're wasting your time.
I'm astonished by the number of organisations that are still doing Facebook marketing like it's 2009.
It's not just that reach is so much more challenging than before, engagement is more elusive too. Where previously people were merrily liking your conte...