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Facebook Zero: How have our recommendations for Pages changed?.

Facebook Zero
I'm writing this a few days after what has become known as Facebook Zero. The day that Facebook appeared to suggest we might be looking at a future of zero organic reach for Pages. I've read through reams of recommendations from experts and been inundated with ads on my News Feed from gurus offering the solution to fix the problem of Facebook Zero. And it all got me thinking about how my own recommendations when I'm training clients might change. What I'm now recommending to clients in...

Facebook News Feed Update. It’s the end of the world as we know it.

Facebook Zero
Facebook Zero? The end  is nigh for Pages? I woke up this morning to a news feed full of Facebook doom for Pages. The usual suspects have jumped onto a late Facebook/Zuckerberg announcement overnight, all determined to get their slice of the PR fallout. Social Media Examiner have suggested that it marks the end of the News Feed for Pages Mari Smith has called it "Facebook Zero" Andrea Vahl asked whether reach for Pages might go away completely Mark Zuckerberg's...

How Facebook determines where the “circular crop” goes plus insight on what Facebook makes of our cover photos.

We've been trying to figure out in recent weeks how Facebook applies the "circular crop" to photos we upload in Groups or Profiles. It's led us to some interesting findings about Facebook's interpretation of the photos we upload (and the "alt" tags it them applies to them) The Facebook circular crop: how Facebook decides where the crop is made You'll be aware that Facebook has introduced circles rather than squares for various incarnations of the images we upload - there are some examples belo...

Facebook cover photo sizes. Even more up-to-date news..

facebook cover photo size spec one size fits all
Here at The Digiterati we like to keep on top of changes at Facebook. We spot the changes, understand what they mean for social media managers and let you know about it in as simple and practical terms as possible. And the last few weeks have most definitely kept us on our toes. At the end of November Facebook quietly changed the size specifications for Group cover photos and somewhat belatedly made some recommendations as to what sizes admins should now be using. Now that's all very well ...

How one Facebook Group uses the controversial “Add Members” function as a major charitable fundraising technique.

New model of charity fundraising using a Facebook Group
I got unexpectedly added to a Facebook Group the other week and boy did it get my social media etiquette hackles raised. I coach a lot of people on how to setup and run Facebook Groups and one of my most basic rules is not to add people to the Group without permission. None of us likes finding ourselves on a mailing list we didn't sign up for and it's the same with Facebook - we want to control our own likes thank you. And of course legal frameworks such as CAN-SPAM and the Privacy and Electr...

Facebook Page cover photo data capture hack.

Facebook Cover Photo Email address data capture
Looking for a way of collecting email addresses for Facebook fans without using lead gen ads? You can use your Facebook Page cover photo as a data capture device. But I didn't realise Facebook cover photos were clickable? All photos on Facebook are clickable and when clicked users get to see whatever text information (and clickable links) you like about the picture. So create your irresistible offer (you know - the thing you will give away as a thank you for the email address) and create...

Why Facebook’s own advice on Group cover photo size is short-sighted.

So three days after a sneaky, unannounced change in Facebook Group cover photo dimensions Facebook finally gets round to changing the advice in their Help Center (sic). Sure enough, Group cover photos created in their newly-recommended size of 1640px by 856px look fine, but it's a garbage size. Whoever came up with this at Facebook should be shot given a jolly good talking to! For starters, it's a simple fact the cover photo will be cropped on desktop and tablet devices (and even a tad...

Free Facebook cover photo template for Photoshop and downloadable size guide.

Download a free Photoshop template for Facebook cover photos Featuring our recommended (2018) "Universal Size" 16:9 aspect ratio for cover photo sizes on Pages, Groups and Profiles. We explain how the cover sizes work in this blog post. For 2018 you need to be creating all cover photos (Page, Group and Profile) at 1920px x 1080px. This optimises the photos for retina screens and ensures that the full depth offered by mobile/smartphone is utilised. The screen grab below shows how Facebook ...